Le conferenze aperte al pubblico
Conference and workshop
Attendance at the conferences and workshops scheduled on Thursday and Friday is free of charge for B2Cheese ticket holders.
Thursday September 29th
Sala Caravaggio
09:30 - 11:30 | 2nd Dairy Culture and Civilization Forum. Distribution; production and the market, in the name of quality Promoted by B2Cheese e Formaggi & Consumi | The goal is to promote constructive exchange on the strategic importance of distribution, in search of virtuous alliances with producers in relations with consumers. | Angelo Rossi, Consigliere Delegato Clal Paolo Zanetti, Presidente Assolatte Antonio Auricchio, Presidente AFIDOP Alessandro Masetti, Responsabile di settore Freschi e Surgelati Coop Italia Mario Gasbarrino, Amministratore Delegato Decò Italia Edoardo Gamboni, Direttore Commerciale Gruppo VéGé Moderated by: Angelo Frigerio, Direttore di Formaggi & Consumi |
14:00 - 15:30 | Cheese and the future: digitalisation, sustainability and supply chain competitivity. Promoted by PwC Italia | How to reformulate one’s own strategy with a view to collaboration, also in light of new supply-chain contacts. The opportunities and the possible areas of application of digital transformation to valorise the approach of the supply chain in a wider-ranging view of ESG sustainable development. | Gaia Giussani, Partner PwC Italia, ESG Services Marco Busti, Imprenditore, Caseificio Busti Nicola Davanzo, Business Development Manager, Alibaba.com Fabio Donà, Director PwC Italia Michele Falzetta, Direttore Generale, Latteria Soresina Modera: Andrea Guolo, Giornalista specializzato in economia dei settori agroalimentare, moda e design |
16:00 - 17:30 | Think Cheese: say, do, eat. Promoted by Italia a Tavola, Pastificio Felicetti, Pentole Agnelli, Orobica Pesca | Dedicated to the valorisation of cheese in all areas and in particular in the restaurant sector (in recipes by chefs and on the cheese trolley), and in distribution (with counter presentations), the convention aims to focus on the importance of professional training. Knowledge and skill are the prime tools for effective promotion in the Italian dairy and cheese-making world, with its infinite variations and with a range of typical products that require ever increasingly specialised figures. Nominations for the national cheese-making competitions: Pasta & Caci and Formaggi d'aMARE | Renato Bosco, titolare network pizzerie Saporè by Renato Bosco, inserito nella guida Euro-Toques Angelo Biscotti, executive chef Cast Alimenti (BS), responsabile junior team Nazionale Italiana Cuochi Antonio Danise, chef ristorante hotel Villa Necchi Portalupa (PV), responsabile corsi e formazione Nazionale Italiana Cuochi Cristian Fagone, chef-patron ristorante Impronte Bergamo (1 stella Michelin) Matteo Felter, chef-pat Osteria Felter alle Rose Salò (BS) Nicolò Quarteroni, direttore generale Agriturismo Ferdy (Lenna BG) Francesco Tassi, maître insignito del riconoscimento di Alto Maestro della Ristorazione da Associazione Maître Italiani Ristoratori e Alberghi Cristiano Tomei, chef-patron Ristorante L’Imbuto (LC) e personaggio televisivo Moderated by: Alberto Lupini, Direttore di Italia a Tavola |
Sala Colleoni
11:00 - 12:00 | Milk takes shape; technology to improve our cheeses. Promoted by Confcooperative | The USEFUL project, which involves cooperative dairy and cheese-making supply chains, is aimed at identifying innovative solutions for increasing the quality and the efficiency of production processes for Grana Padano and Taleggio DOP cheeses. Innovative technologies have been applied during the experimental stage of the project to improve production quality; in particular, initial results will be presented from activities carried out to improve the technological and microbiological quality of the milk for the production of Grana Padano DOP and Taleggio DOP cheeses. | |
13:00 - 14:00 | From visitor to client: 5 steps to transform a potential contact into a buyer. Promoted by Ellecubica | The majority of companies take a superficial approach to international trade fairs, often on the basis of experience. We have always done things in the same manner, but in the modern post-pandemic competitive context, this is no longer enough. In order to emerge and excel, it is necessary to bring into play cross-cultural persuasion, adapting to the client’s culture, using the huge potential of social media to reach a wider audience, defining process KPIs and optimising budgets. | Dr.ssa Lucilla Rizzini, CEO & Founder Ellecubica - Certified Business Coach & Trainer Dr.ssa Chiara Covelli, Digital Marketing Strategist, Business Coach Dr. Claudio Arrigoni, CEO & Founder, Direzione AFC |
15.00 - 17.00 | National assembly of cheese refiners Promoted by Dé Magi Formaggi | A debate on the role of the cheese refiner, an often prominent figure in high-value production yet currently an unregulated professional figure that is not recognised by Italian law | |
17.00 - 18.00 | Luxury Food&Beverage Quality Awards. Promoted by Formaggi & Consumi | Presentation of the prizes for the Luxury Food&Beverage quality awards, which are assigned to the best high-quality food products for the restaurant sector. |
Friday September 30th
Sala Caravaggio
09:30 - 11:30 | The European proposal to revise Geographical Indications (PDO and PGI): benefits and risks of a strategic game worth 16 billion for Italy. Promoted by Lombardy Region | Italy is the European country with the highest number of Geographic Indication-classified agricultural food products; a total of 838! There is a deep-rooted bond that ties the best in Italian agricultural food products to their lands of origin, and the EU’s Geographic Indication system not only favours local production and economy, but it can also offer further guarantees for consumers, thanks to the central role played by the various consortiums for product identity protection. | Fabio Rolfi, Councilor for Agriculture, Food and Green Systems Alberto Brivio, President of Coldiretti Bergamo Riccardo Crotti, Regional President of Confagricoltura Fabio Perini, President of Confcooperative FedAgriPesca Lombardia Paolo De Castro, Agricultural Policies for the European Parliament Antonio Auricchio, Presidente AFIDOP Moderated by: Angelo Frigerio, Director of Formaggi & Consumi |
11:00 - 12:00 | First summit on cooperation in the mountains. Promoted by Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane – Settore Agroalimentare | ll Settore Lattiero-Caseario di Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane promuove il “Primo Summit della cooperazione lattiero-casearia di montagna” con l’obiettivo di approfondire la grave situazione di crisi che sta investendo il comparto e stimolare un dibattito tra alcuni rappresentanti del sistema produttivo e gli Assessori all’agricoltura delle Regioni Lombardia, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piemonte e della Provincia Autonoma di Trento. L’incontro intende mettere a sistema le esigenze delle cooperative di montagna, dettate dalla particolare situazione di crisi che sta investendo la zootecnia da latte, e le esperienze di Governo delle Amministrazioni locali, così da individuare una possibile soluzione condivisa da rappresentare a livello nazionale. | Moderated by: Ildebrando Bonacini, Giornalista |
16:00 - 17:30 | Dairy and cheese production in mountain pastures: the role of the veterinarian in the safeguarding of food safety and the valorisation of traditional and PDO production. Promoted by Local health agency | Official controls on the health and hygiene standards of milk-based products obtained from mountain pasture cheese producers; an analysis of the context and the regulatory framework in the Lombardy Region. Methods of carrying out official controls on mountain pasture cheese producers; practical aspects and main criticalities. | Massimo Giupponi, Director General of the Bergamo Local Health Agency Antonio Sorice, Director of the Department of Veterinary and Animal Origin Food Safety for the Bergamo Local Health Agency Stefano Scioscia, Veterinary Manager for the Bergamo Local Health Agency Marco Cecchetto, Veterinary Manager for the Bergamo Local Health Agency |
Sala Colleoni
10:30 - 11:30 | Cheese made with genuine vegetable rennet. Promoted by Fattorie Fiandino | A significant ethical move that re-explores ancient values and provides important characteristics to cheeses for modern consumers. | Marco Dalmasso, Sales representative and cheese expert for Caseificio Fiandino Egidio Fiandino, Owner of Caseificio Fiandino Mario Fiandino, Owner of Caseificio Fiandino Marco Busti, Owner of Caseificio Busti Simone Sargentoni, Owner of Caseificio Il Fiorino Bartolomeo Casula, Owner of Caseificio Val d’Apsa |
12.00 - 13.00 | Caseificio Torre Pallavicina; the first Grana Padano DOP supply chain traced by blockchain. Promoted by Torre Pallavicina | The certification of the Grana Padano DOP produced by Caseificio Torre Pallavicina, the first cheese producer to use blockchain technology to guarantee supply-chain traceability. | Gianmaria Bettoni, President of Caseificio Torre Pallavicina Gianpaolo Sara, President of Euranet Pietro Grassano, Business Solutions Director Europe Algorand Michele Zema, Sales manager for CSQA |
13.45 - 14.45 | Award ceremony for the EXPOQUEJIO 2022 cheese-making competition. Promoted by National ONAF | Presentation of awards for the EXPOQUEJIO 2022 cheese-making competition | Moderated by: Grazia Mercalli, ONAF Bergamo |
15.00 - 16.30 | You are what we eat; animal nutrition; taboos, production and well-being. Promoted by Dox-al Italia Spa | The quality of food products is closely tied to the diet of the animals and environmental conditions. Nutrients, prebiotics, trace elements, quality control, exact dosage and environmental dispersion are all ingredients in the products that make it to our tables. | Luigi Bertocchi, Veterinary manager, Institute for the Prevention of Animal Disease for the Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna Regions Andrea Formigoni, Professor at the Department of Medical Veterinary Sciences Luigi Bonizzi, Professor at the Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Orthodontical Sciences Flavio Veneroni, Presidente Dox-al Italia S.p.A Stefania Veneroni, Consigliere Delegato Dox-al Italia S.p.A Moderated by: Maurizio Ferrari, Giornalista economico |